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A. For all attendees, including presenters:

1. You need to download Microsoft Teams on your computer if you don’t have it already.
2. Before each session, you will get an email message from Bardo (Monday and Wednesday), Paul (Tuesday and Thursday) and Christian (Friday), which will contain a link. Click on the link to join the session.
3. When the session starts, mute your microphone by clicking on the microphone icon on the screen. If necessary, you can unmute it any time by doing exactly the same. It is best to mute it during the talks so the presenter doesn’t have any background noise.
4. You may also turn your camera on and off in the same way, using the camera icon.
5. At the end of the session, click on Leave.

B. Additionally for presenters:

6. Open the file of your talk on the computer screen before the start of the session.
7. When prompted by the session chair, click on the icon that looks like a square with an arrow pointing inside. A smaller window titled Share content appears at the right-hand side. Click on Window to get the list of files open on your screen, then scroll down and click on the file you want to share. The file will upload to the Teams window and become visible to all the attendees.
8. Begin your talk, manipulating the presentation file in the usual way with the mouse on your screen.
9. When you finish, go to the small window at the bottom right-hand corner of the Teams window and click on the little square with an x inside. This will stop the sharing of the file.
10. Before the next speaker starts, mute your microphone.

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